By Via Families
This online training is for parents and leaders who are facilitating Parenting with a Global Vision, a 6-lesson, small group study that helps parents envision what it would look like to participate in God's story with their children and provides them with practical family discipleship ideas focused on loving Jesus and joining with him in blessing the nations.
Whether you are facilitating the study for the first time, or just need a refresher, this training will support you through the entire process. It includes:
- Steps to prepare for your study
- Key lesson concepts and common misconceptions
- Ideas for follow-up
- Tips for recruiting new leaders
The online training is free once you register your account.
Changed Life Story
The study has been a huge blessing to me and my family. I loved the biblical strength of the material. Everything was based on the Bible and that encouraged me to be empowered as a parent with a global vision. It was eye-opening for us to feel part of the great history of God blessing the nations: God– Abraham’s family– Puerto family– the nations. I used to think very little could be done by our family, but now I think a lot can be done. It has been very encouraging to think that my children have enormous potential to be used by God, in ways bigger than I can ever imagine. And much more with lives consecrated to God from a very young age.
Since the study, I have been attentive to ways I can teach my children the truths of God and connect those truths to the great story of God and His mission. I want to be consistent and intentional in daily devotions and prayer times for the world, especially for those who have never heard the gospel. We plan to adopt an ethnic group to be praying for as a family.
-- David Puerto, Guatemala