The Gospel of John Study

By Student Mobilization

To see the previous tool in “The Basics” series, click here.

If we were going to ask someone to write a biography on your life, your closest friend might give the best account. Well, it appears the apostle John was Jesus’ closest friend—at least John thought he was! The 21 chapters of John are some of the greatest Scriptures to take students through, especially those just exploring Christ. Peruse this “John Study”. Recruit a group of students who know each other and will be excited and committed to come each week. Don’t make it a teaching time or set yourself up as the “answer man”. You are simply facilitating discussion. Have them take turns reading aloud each chapter, then ask these questions, one at a time. Let them take rabbit trails and ask questions. Feel free to say, “Hmm, that’s a great question. Not sure I have a good answer. What does someone else think?” Transform them from passive listeners to engaged discoverers! I’ve seen hundreds of students either come to Christ or consider Him deeply as a result of the various “John Studies” I’ve started over the years. May God be with you!

For the following tool in “The Basics” series, click here.

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