Brazil Area Team

Brazil: the next great sending country 

When most people think of Brazil, they picture carnival, soccer, and beautiful beaches. But Brazil is home to one the world’s largest evangelical populations. With more than 50 million evangelicals, the Brazilian church is absolutely massive. And ripe for a mission-sending movement. If just 0.1%, or 1 in 1,000 Brazilian evangelicals, were to be mobilized to go to the unreached, the Lord’s harvest would see 50,000 new missionaries raised up! This would be one of the largest mission movements in the history of the New Testament church. Brazilians are primed now more than ever for mobilization! 

The number of Brazilian missionaries has more than tripled in the last 15 years. And today, there are more Brazilians than ever who are ready to go to the mission field. But there are still many bottlenecks. Via resources were created to help alleviate these obstacles. We have translated most of our core resources, such as our family mobilization materials and the Support Raising Bootcamp, into Portuguese. Thousands are using these tools to raise up the next generation of Brazilian missionaries.

Join us as we ask God to send 50,000 Brazilians into His harvest field! 

Our Flagship Resources
Explore the World Christian Lifestyle

Gain a heart for the nations in this 7 lesson study.

God's Heart for Muslims

Embrace Muslims with the love of Christ.

Parenting with a Global Vision

Intentional discipleship is hard. Let us help.

The God Ask

Experience a fresh, biblical approach to personal support raising.

Upcoming events and trainings
In-Person Event

Hotel Estância Betânia - Curitiba PR

April 01-04, 2025

Learn more
In-Person Event

Support Raising Leadership Conference

Colorado Springs, CO

April 20-23, 2026

Learn more

The role of children in the accomplishment of God's mission should not be underrated ... I have realized that children like adults can be involved in the task of taking the gospel to the least reached nations of the earth.

Mobilizer in Nigeria

Explore is an excellent, God-centered study designed to help open your eyes to God's missionary heart to be worshiped by all peoples. I'm currently going through this with my church small group and have really enjoyed it.

Community Group Leader in USA
Handpicked Articles
Ben Soh

September 04, 2018

Xplore Introduces Brazilian Teen to His Strategic Role in MissionsWhile the U.S. still remains the largest sender of missionaries in the world, Brazil has has been experiencing massive growth in mission sending and is among the largest mission senders in the Global South.

January 25, 2018

Giving Projects
We're proud to work and partner with the following organizations