How to Share "The Well"

To see the previous tool in “The Basics” series, click here.

Back in the 1990’s, The Navigators came up with a creative tool to try to help college students become more spiritually thirsty. The tool would have a student read a couple of verses that contrasted physical water and spiritual water, and through a series of questions and graphics, show them the emptiness of looking to anything but Jesus for satisfaction in life. While The Bridge or Four Laws are more “reaping” tools, bringing a student to a salvation decision, The Well is more of a “sowing” presentation and discussion, hopefully making them interested in discovering more. We have modified a lot of the tool's original content, but the essential concepts are still there. So try it. See how the Lord uses it. Your love, your prayers, your questions, your sharing of the powerful Word of God can change lives—for eternity!

For the following tool in “The Basics” series, click here.

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