Eurasia Regional Team

Our Regional Team supports church and ministry leaders as they seek to grow a missional DNA and mobilise their communities towards missions to the unreached. We do this through distance coaching, consulting, and training on a variety of missions topics including mobilisation, discipleship, and support raising. Connect with our Eurasia Regional Team today to learn more!

Our Flagship Resources
Explore the World Christian Lifestyle

Gain a heart for the nations in this 7 lesson study.

God's Heart for Muslims

Embrace Muslims with the love of Christ.

Extended Leaders Guide: Parenting with a Global Vision

Online Leader's Training for leaders for Parenting with a Global Vision study

Heart of the Campus

If you're a campus ministry staffer or student leader and yearn to see students come to Christ, discipled, and launched out as world changers, then read and heed a copy of "Heart of the Campus." Learn

Upcoming events and trainings
In-Person Event

Support Raising Leadership Conference

Colorado Springs, CO

April 20-23, 2026

Learn more

The role of children in the accomplishment of God's mission should not be underrated ... I have realized that children like adults can be involved in the task of taking the gospel to the least reached nations of the earth.

Mobilizer in Nigeria

Explore is an excellent, God-centered study designed to help open your eyes to God's missionary heart to be worshiped by all peoples. I'm currently going through this with my church small group and have really enjoyed it.

Community Group Leader in USA
Handpicked Articles
Saving Face: Asking in Shame-Based Cultures"The real decision we have to make when confronted with cultural shame in support raising is this:are people’s opinions more important than Christ’s?" “Tonight, I want all of you to call 10 of your closest friends, share about your situation and invite them to pray about giving to your outreach.” I vividly remember thinking my leader must be joking. Except he wasn’t. And that's when I started freaking out.
Ben Soh

September 04, 2018

Biggest Momentum Builder of the YearI want to make the case that we should make our winter conference goal our overarching goal for the fall semester. Here’s why.
Blake Brewer

September 25, 2017

Talking to Children About Difficult World EventsNo matter where your family lives in the world, reports of difficult world events have filled our homes and left us all feeling grief and uncertainty. Our children are not unaware. They hear about these events at school, from friends, and through social media. In the midst of scary and often devastating current events, how do we talk to our children about what is happening? 
Carissa Potter, Via

March 15, 2022

Positioned to Be the LightI love candles. I learned to love candles on long, dark winter nights in Norway. Lighting a candle on the dinner table or some tea lights on the coffee table made the room a little warmer, a little cozier, the darkness less oppressive. Growing up on the Canadian prairies where the winters were harsh and cold, a candle could mean the difference between life and death. If a winter storm stranded you in your car, a blanket, some food, and a candle could keep you alive. Lighting a candle on a bright sunny day, however, would be unnecessary. The warmth and light would be swallowed up in the in
Kim Blackaby

June 01, 2015

Stop the Feeding Frenzy!They have problems, we have answers, and it’s our job to just tell them, right!? Wrong. Often times the best way we can steward the truths God has entrusted to us is not by feeding people all of the right answers but by asking the right questions.
Wayne Simien, University of Kansas

October 18, 2016

A Young Girl on a Big JourneyWhen I was a little girl, my dad was invited to speak at a mission school graduation in Cuba, a place with a language we did not speak, guerilla fighting in the hills, and a strict code of where we could and could not go --no cameras aimed at the governor’s palace and a strict admonishment to “get in a taxi immediately.” A new political party was in power and Cuba was considered dangerous, especially for foreigners. My family went anyway. For a little child from the mountains of Pennsylvania, a trip outside the United States was an enormous adventure. I did not understand at the time, but
Linda Weddel

September 01, 2016

Giving Projects
We're proud to work and partner with the following organizations